理論と実験の協奏による柔らかな分子系の機能の科学-文部科学省科学研究費補助金「新学術領域研究」領域代表者 田原太平 (平成25-29年度) やわぶん


18th Workshop

18th Workshop
“What connects the softness of biomolecules
to their functions?”
【 Date 】 November 27, 2016
【 Venue 】 Conference Room 202, Tsukuba International Congress Center
2-20-3 Takezono, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305-0032 Japan
【 Access 】 http://www.epochal.or.jp/eng/access/index.html
【 Registration 】 Needs registration to BSJ54. (On-site registration available.)
【 Organizers 】 Kunihiko Ishii (RIKEN)
Keiichi Inoue (Nagoya Institute of Technology)
【 Co-sponsor 】 Biophysical Society of Japan
【 Overview 】 Many biomolecules achieve their functions through dynamically changing their conformations. Behind such dynamics-function couplings, there exist exquisite mechanisms which utilize the softness of the molecules, and each of them is accompanied with a characteristic controlling factor. In this symposium, presentations will be given by young researchers from theory and experiment focusing on various factors connecting molecular softness with biological functions. Through the discussion over a breadth of examples, we pursue a universal concept underlying the role of softness in biological systems.

Program: November 27, 2016

09:45-10:10 “Thermal fluctuation of biomolecular conformation on microsecond timescale detected by 2D fluorescence lifetime correlation spectroscopy”
〇Kunihiko Ishii (RIKEN), Tahei Tahara (RIKEN)
10:10-10:35 “pKa prediction of ionizable residues in proteins by QM/MM RWFE-SCF method combined with microsecond-long MD simulations”
〇Taisuke Hasegawa (Kyoto Univ.), Shigehiko Hayashi (Kyoto Univ.)
10:35-11:00 “Regulatory mechanism of TRPV1 channel activity by the interaction of ankyrin repeat domain with phospholipids”
〇Kazuhiro Takemura (Univ. of Tokyo), Shiro Suetsugu (NAIST), Akio Kitao (Univ. of Tokyo)
11:00-11:25 “Protein-based molecular probes for the local concentrations of oxygen and heme”
〇Haruto Ishikawa (Osaka Univ.)
11:25-11:50 “How are flavoproteins “soft” for exhibiting intended functions?”
〇Tatsuya Iwata (NITech)
11:50-12:15 “Single-molecule characterization of DNA-binding proteins with stretchable DNA array”
〇Kiyoto Kamagata (Tohoku Univ.)
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